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Of Note: This news item is archived content from UFCW Canada Local 1000A.
Local 1000A and UFCW Canada Local 206 merged on May 1, 2016 to form UFCW Canada Local 1006A.

pearl3 In what is being called a “proud achievement for all of UFCW Canada,” Local 1000A President Pearl Sawyer has been elected unanimously to serve as International Vice-President on the UFCW International Executive Board.

“For more than three decades, President Sawyer has been a tremendous advocate, trailblazer, and fighter for workers' rights and the membership,” said Paul Meinema, UFCW Canada National President and UFCW International Executive Vice-President. “Just as Pearl brings her strength, resolve and courage to her Local Union and to our great national union, she will no doubt make an outstanding contribution in her new and additional role as a UFCW International Vice President.”


Following the intense devastation inflicted on the Philippines by "super" typhoon Haiyan in early November, UFCW Canada is taking action to support urgent relief efforts in the typhoon-ravaged country.

"What the Filipino people need right now are the basics of life - food, clean water, dry shelter, and warm clothes," says Paul Meinema, President of the UFCW Canada National Council. "As such, UFCW Canada's National Council and Local Unions are donating over $40,000 to support desperately-needed relief efforts in the Philippines."

IMG_4690They came as prisoners, zombies, construction workers and much more.

Local 1000A got into the full Halloween spirit as staff and members, along with their friends and family, dressed up to Bowl for a Cure for Sickle Cell Anemia on Sunday, November 3, 2013.

The event drew more than 100 participants of all ages from a variety of workplaces and raised more than $2200 to fund a cure for Sickle Cell Anemia.

It’s a simple and powerful video with a stirring message: When we work together, we can achieve great things.

dan-gilbertLocal 1000A’s Executive Board has unanimously voted for Dan Gilbert to fill the vacant Executive Vice-President position effective October 24, 2013 in accordance with the UFCW Canada constitution and the local union by-laws. He will serve for the balance of the term ending December 31, 2016. 

“I am pleased to congratulate Dan on his new position as Executive Vice-President,” said President Pearl Sawyer. “Dan is an exceptional trade unionist who has dedicated his life to the members of Local 1000A.  With his years of experience and knowledge, I have every confidence he will make an outstanding Executive Vice-President.”

pearl3A month ago, I visited with many of our members at a Toronto Loblaws Great Food store. I had just finished meeting, listening and talking with our members and as I was getting ready to leave, a deli worker reached over,  shook my hand and she said: ‘Keep fighting for us.’

It was a simple but powerful moment that spoke to the deep trust and faith our members place in their union and to the tremendous responsibility we all carry in fighting for fairness in our workplaces and communities.