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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.

New Union Stewards attend training at the Local 1006A Training Centre.

Stewards are often the first-point-of-contact for members when a problem or concern arises in the workplace. They serve as the eyes and ears of the union in the workplace. Stewards volunteer their time to answer any questions members have, offer confidential advice on workplace issues and resolve problems before they develop. They also oversee the workplace to ensure the collective agreement is not violated and keep the communication lines open between the workplace and union office.

Being a steward is a difficult job that takes passion, commitment and sacrifice.To help our stewards with their work, Local 1006A operates one of the most comprehensive labour training and education programs in the province. Our courses are offered free-of-charge and provide stewards with knowledge and skills they can use not only in the workplace but in their everyday lives.

Courses take place in Spring and Fall. Registration packages are sent to all stewards in February/March for the spring session and August/September for the fall session. 

If you have any questions, contact us at 

UFCW Canada Local 1006A’s Education Department offers four levels of certification: 


Prior to registering for courses in the “Basic Certification” level, new stewards or stewards with no previous training must first complete the two courses listed below.

  • The Steward Course: An Introduction
    • This course is an introduction to UFCW Canada Local 1006A, the expectations and role of the steward, grievances and the grievance process and dealing with management. Note: Some stewards may have completed the online version of this in 2021 and 2022.
  • Grievance Filing
    • This course will specifically focus on the grievance filing process, understanding a grievance, conducting an investigation and filling out and filing a grievance.
  • Understanding Human Rights
    • This course focuses on understanding diversity and respecting and appreciating differences in our society and our workplace.

Basic Certification for New Stewards


To complete “Basic Certification”, stewards will be required to complete the 7 noted courses below.

  • Investigations
  • Note Taking
  • Being Confident in Meetings
  • Problem Solving: All in a Day’s Work
  • Public Speaking and Presentations
  • Handling Tough Issues: Part 1
  • Handling Tough Issues: Part 2 

Advanced Certification

After completing the “Basic Certification”, stewards will be able to register for courses offered at this level.

To complete “Advanced Certification”, stewards will be required to complete 5 core courses and 2 elective courses.

Core Courses

  • Introduction to Collective Bargaining
  • Organizing the Unorganized
  • Workplace Rage
  • Stress Management
  • Personal Skills Appraisal

Elective Courses (must complete 2)

  • Generation Y and Millenials: Who’s Next in Line?
  • Interviewing Skills
  • What's Your Leadership Style
  • Organizing and Planning

Masters Certification

After completing the “Advanced Certification”, stewards will be able to register for courses offered at this level.

To complete “Masters Certification”, stewards will be required to complete 5 core courses and 3 elective courses.

Core Courses

  • Introduction to Arbitration
  • Working with Emotional Intelligence

Elective Courses (must complete 3)

  • What’s Your Leadership Style
  • Work Skills Appraisal
  • (any “elective” course from “Advanced Certification” not taken)