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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.

Of Note: This news item is archived content from UFCW Canada Local 1000A.
Local 1000A and UFCW Canada Local 206 merged on May 1, 2016 to form UFCW Canada Local 1006A.


Local 1000A members working at Loblaws Great Food and Real Canadian Superstore have voted to join the National Defence Fund (NDF). Polls were held across Ontario from June 15-26.

“By voting to join the NDF, members have sent a strong and clear message to their employer,” said Pearl Sawyer, Local 1000A President. “They are serious about bargaining, prepared for a labour dispute and ready to fight for a fair contract.”

Members had been informed about the option to become part of the NDF through tele-phone townhalls, notices posted and distributed throughout the stores and mailed to their homes,,  through Connections magazine and at union membership meetings held across the province. Members’ enrollment in the fund is effective July 1, 2014.

ufcw-1000a-70years-scholarshipFor 10 years, your union has helped families cope with the high cost of tuition through its Scholarship Program. 2014 marks the 70th anniversary of our great union.  In celebration of this milestone, your union is increasing the size of our scholarship program. For this special year only, your union will award 42 scholarships worth $700 each to members and children/dependents of members.

The deadline is September 30. For application details – and to apply, please download the scholarship application.

voteIn this upcoming provincial election, you have the chance to make your voice heard on what kind of Ontario you want for you and your family.

Our right to vote is something we should all exercise. It is our main chance to really have an impact on Ontario politics and make our voices heard on the issues that affect our lives, whether it is healthcare, education, jobs, or our rights as workers.

susanmaxCongratulations to Susan Max from Loblaws Great Food 1004 in Toronto! Susan takes home the May prize of $70 in PC gift cards for her winning entry in Local 1000A's Share Your Story contest!

Susan's Entry: "My union, UFCW Canada Local 1000A, has made a difference in my life"...I am a current employee who has enjoyed a part-time job with Loblaws at Lakeshore and Leslie. Recently my husband who was terminal finally received a life saving transplant. It was because of the Union that I'm now on a compassionate leave and will have a job to go back to after a 6 weeks leave. I couldn't have done this without my union, my store, and the awesome group I work with down at the Lakeshore/Leslie store. I'm so grateful to know that because of the Union I am able to take this time and not have to worry about having a job to come back to. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

NDF-SHEILD-webThe Loblaws Great Food and Superstore contract expires July 1st, 2015 – and your union is preparing for negotiations with Loblaw. Your union reps and stewards have been speaking with members in stores across Ontario on why it so important that you engage with the bargainnig process. One of the first steps is submitting a bargaining proposal form which are circulating in stores and are available online.

Additionally, we are asking our members to consider joining UFCW Canada’s National Defence Fund (NDF). The NDF is essentially a national strike fund that provides picket pay over and above what you would also receive from the International and Canadian Council when on strike or lock-out. Individual bargaining units vote to join and benefit from the NDF. The fund provides additional support when you and your co-workers need it most.

Voting times and locations have been scheduled throughout the province for all Great Food and Superstore members to have their say on joining the NDF.  Poll time and locations are listed below – we look forward to seeing you there!

TomLandCongratulations to Tom Land from Real Canadian Superstore 1009 in Ottawa! Tom takes home the April prize of $70 in PC gift cards for his winning entry in Local 1000A's Share Your Story contest!

Tom's Entry: "I had a slip and fall and fell very wrong. I ended up with four herniated discs and a ruptured disc in my neck. That was in 2004. I tried to come back to work in any capacity but the company sent me a letter stating they did not have a position for me any longer even after I spent 20 years making this company profits. It was my union that stood beside me, gave me the strength and dignity to face what was to be a long battle to fight for my right to accommodation under the Ontario human rights code. I now have a job thanks to the beliefs, dedication and hard work of this union's various members."