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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.

Of Note: This news item is archived content from UFCW Canada Local 1000A.
Local 1000A and UFCW Canada Local 206 merged on May 1, 2016 to form UFCW Canada Local 1006A.

sc-group-2013UFCW Canada Local 1000A’s 7th Annual Stewards' Conference kicked off a “game-changing” campaign to engage members on an unprecedented level to achieve fairness at the bargaining table. 

“It is about building strength, knowledge and union pride from member to member so that when we walk into bargaining we have the power of our members with us in negotiating fair and equitable contracts, said Pearl Sawyer, Local 1000A President. “Make no mistake, by the end of this campaign, we will have 30,000 ongoing conversations and the strongest grassroots movement in our union’s history. And we will be able to organize and fight back like never before.”

The weekend event was jam-packed with speeches and workshops and was intended to provide the 150 stewards in attendance with knowledge and training to help members at their workplaces and strengthen the union through membership engagement. Speakers included Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) Secretary Treasurer Hassan Yussuff, UFCW Canada Training & Education Coordinator Marv Funk, and Author Robin H-C.

“I have to google words to describe how much I love the Stewards Conference,” said Jameson Dickson, who works as a blendman and in shipping and receiving at Louis Dreyfus. “It’s a learning experience, and whatever I learn here, I can take back to help members in my workplace.”

Many speakers talked about fighting back against the escalating political and economic attacks on workers.

“You need to get involved in your union, to strengthen your union, because that is the best vehicle to give you a strong voice and more importantly to improve your economic interest at the end of the day,” said Yussuf, a keynote speaker at the event. “I would simply encourage those members who are currently not engaged to get engaged and to see their union as the vehicle for them to make changes and more importantly to improve their quality of life within the workplace and society as a whole.”

Andy Rostoks, who works at a Valu-Mart in Scarborough-Guildwood and who was among the attendees, said the attacks on workers could have devastating consequences if workers do not come together to fight back.

“There would be no middle class, there will only be rich and poor,” he said. “Workers can make a difference when it comes to making changes in law, health and safety issues and much more.”

President Sawyer said too much is at risk to sit back and do nothing.

“You may ask what difference can you make? What does it matter if I send one email or not? Or make a phone call. Sisters and brothers, it matters. If we are to be successful in challenging bad public policy, we need all of our activists and members on board taking action to create change.”

Gord Knowles, who works at Laura’s Your Independent Grocer, said families and communities will suffer if these attacks are left unchallenged.

“We need to really understand that when we are together, we are strong, when we are apart and divided, we are weak.”

Sawyer said overcoming obstacles is nothing new for workers in the labour movement.

“When you think of all of our victories ---from universal health care to parental leave, to paid vacation time, to increases to minimum wage, to pensions, to health and safety standards--- they didn’t come easy,” she said. “These achievements happened because we came together and fought together for fairness despite all the obstacles big business and their allies in government put in our way. Well they are still piling up those challenges and obstacles today!”

The Stewards Conference drew high praise from participants.

“I really enjoyed the conference this year,” said Danielle Jean Gates, who work at a Brockville RCSS. “It was informative – I learned a lot of things I didn’t know. It leaves you feeling motivated and renewed as you head back to your workplace.”

“It was my first conference and it was great,” said Allison Singer, who works at a Great Food store in Ottawa.  “It was informative and it is nice to have a reaffirmation of what you are doing – it gives you the motivation to keep going at it.”

Check out picture from the conference by visiting our Facebook Gallery.