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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.

BargainingUpdate2Your union bargaining committee finished three days of negotiations with your employer.  Your bargaining committee met on Monday March 2 and then met with your employer on March 3, 4, and 5.  Several passes of bargaining proposals were conducted and sub-committees were struck to deal with specific issues.

Working Together to Improve Your Wages, Benefits and Working Conditions

Loblaws-Great-Food-RCSS-Bargaining-UpdateOn February 10 and 11, 2015, your union bargaining committee – led by experienced negotiators, from UFCW Canada Locals 1000A, 175 & 633, met with representatives from Loblaws Supermarkets Ltd.

Based on contract proposals completed by our members, the committee’s key priorities at the bargaining table included:

  • wage increases — improving wage progression scales
  • scheduling improvements
  • benefits improvements
  • limits on in-store third party providers (so workers’ hours are protected and not cut)

GWU-webOn January 27, your local union executive and servicing staff met with the elected divisional officers from the local union’s Loblaws Great Food and Superstore Divisions to discuss and prepare for negotiations with Loblaws Supermarkets Ltd.

On January 28, the bargaining committee met to review the proposals and the bargaining process.

Negotiations are set to begin February 10 and 11 for bargaining unit members from Loblaws Great Food stores and Real Canadian Superstores.

Your bargaining committee knows you work hard to make Loblaw the #1 grocery retailer in Canada. You deserve to be treated with fairness and respect. It is our commitment to do everything in our power to achieve a fair and strong contract for you and your co-workers.

proposal-survey-coverThank you to everyone who took the time to fill out a contract proposal form for our upcoming Loblaws Great Food and Real Canadian Superstore negotiations. Your input is critical and important to the negotiations process.

With your feedback and support, preparations for solidarity bargaining are underway with UFCW 175 & 633. 

Click here to learn more about how the negotiations process works.