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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.

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"I’d like to thank 1006A for fighting for my rights and restoring my full-time position."

Maranda Djankovic who works at the Real Canadian Superstore in Ajax shares her union story

"In my store, my managers would treat me and a couple others unfairly compared to others because they know we wouldn't speak up. When I brought it to the union, I started seeing a change and it makes going to work a much better feeling." - Maranda Djankovic, Superstore Ajax

Laura Fisher from Loblaws in Ottawa win Union Contest

In a union, I don't have to fear being wrongfully fired because I know my back is covered. There are rules set up and people to make sure they're being followed. This provides the stability I need while I study without the fear of being wrongfully dismissed. The union has helped keep a stable, and reliable job which I attend school and I couldn't ask for anything more!" Laura Fisher, Loblaws Great Food Ottawa.

loblaws-ottawaWe wanted to provide you with an update on a newly established program for Local 1000A members working at Loblaws Great Food and Superstore.

Last year, your bargaining committee negotiated a Relationship Building Program with the company. The program now forms part of your collective agreement and is facilitated by experienced facilitators from the Ontario Ministry of Labour (Disputes Resolution Branch).  The purpose of the program is for the company, the union and our members to listen to each other’s concerns and issues with a view to improve things including communication and relationships.

I am pleased to report that the first set of regional sessions, which took place in January for our Ottawa and area stores, were a success. Members from each store were appointed from member volunteers to participate in the program.

I am proud to report that members who participated in these sessions did an outstanding job of highlighting their and their co-workers' concerns regarding operational and other issues in their store with senior company representatives and store level management.