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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.

Best Western Brantford Negotiating Committee – Hotel Union

Union members at Best Western Brantford voted to accept their first union contract. Gains include: seniority language, guaranteed yearly increases, clear stat holiday language, and clear gratuity language.

Molly's story as a leukemia survivor - UFCW 1006A fundraises for a cure

At 6, Molly is already a survivor. A young girl who battled leukemia and who overcame 200 days and nights at Sick Kids Hospital to now be in remission. 

Send a message to Korea Food Trading CEO

Our hard-working members are struggling to get a fair union contract with their employer. Currently they are being paid well below industry standards.

We are asking for a fair contract from Loblaw Companies.

Support Striking Workers By Shopping Elsewhere

We are mothers, fathers, grandparents, and students who work at Baxtrom’s Your Independent Grocer. We love the work we do and are proud to serve our community. We were forced into a strike because the company’s proposal will hurt us and our families. What we want is a fair deal with a living wage increase.

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