In anticipation of a possible provincial election this spring, UFCW Canada Local 1000A members from across the province came together for election campaign training at the local union office in Woodbridge.
The stakes are particularly high in this election with Conservative Party leader Tim Hudak and his Work for Less agenda.
“In this election, we are encouraging each and everyone of our members to carefully consider what each leader and party is offering and to make their voice heard by voting,” said Dan Gilbert, Local 1000A Executive Vice President. “Being active in the political sphere is important so we can protect all that workers have achieved together.”
Tim Hudak and the Conservatives in Ontario are up to their old tricks again by introducing another round of attack bills that will further undermine fairness, rights and living standards for 99 percent of the province’s population.
On May 1, the Hudak Conservatives introduced three attack bills that if passed will weaken the collective strength of workers, and the ability of unions to effectively bargain for better working conditions and healthier, stronger communities.
This latest attack by Hudak is central to the Ontario Conservative agenda called “Pathways to Prosperity”, which is based on the bankrupt ideas of Hudak’s mentor – Mike Harris – and will only increase the already tremendous gap that currently exists between the super-rich and the rest of us.
To Stop these Attack Bills, and to Stop Hudak’s Pathway to Poverty, make your voice heard. Send a letter to Premier Kathleen Wynne NOW!
Once again, the Harper Conservatives have shown their contempt for democracy with their plan to rush through Bill C-38 — a 450 page omnibus Federal Budget Implementation Bill with a sweeping agenda that will cause harm to UFCW Canada members, their families and millions other Canadians.
Bill C-38 would weaken the social safety net, environmental and workplace protections, and make changes to over 70 other laws without proper debate or full review.