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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.

With the federal election scheduled for September 20, 2021, UFCW 1006A encourages our members to read each party’s platform and vote.

Paid Sick Days Save Lives

“Access to 10 paid sick days for workers in Ontario would have very simply reduced the spread of COVID in the workplace and saved lives,” said Katrina Miller, Program Director at The Broadbent Institute. 

This June, Premier Doug Ford recalled the Ontario legislature for an emergency session to attempt to silence critics ahead of next year’s provincial election. Ford’s attack on free speech, the charter and his critics show how far Ford is willing to go to win. 

UFCW Canada Indigenous Solidarity Banner

The 2021 conference theme was entitled, “Grounding Our Indigenous Spirit” and called upon participants to reflect on the diverse ways Indigenous rights are embedded in activism, culture, language and healing.