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Significant wage increases were among the gains achieved by UFCW 1006A members at Alsco Canada Corp in their new union contract.

The term of the contract is April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2028 and covers 34 members.

“It is a very good contract – we went back and forth with the company during negotiations,” said Jim Tessier, a member of the negotiating committee. “Overall, we got one of our best contracts in the history of us working here.”

Tessier said he was happy about the significant wage increases and the employer-provided translation devices for the diverse workforce.

“I am very satisfied with what we achieved and the members are all happy with the contract,” said Tessier.

The negotiating committee included Terri Leitenberger, Jim Tessier, Laurie Westermann and Regional Director Don Taylor and Union Representative Michael Hurley.

“Our negotiating committee did an exceptional job in achieving a fair and strong union contract for our members at Alsco,” said President Wayne Hanley. “I want to thank our membership for their support and engagement during this process. Member participation is vital in building strong workplaces and communities.”


  • Wage increases of 16 per cent over four years
  • A new wage premium for Lead Hands
  • Minimum wage increase protection language
  • An additional paid sick day
  • Employer-provided translation devices
  • Increased employer contributions to the benefit and pension plans
  • A new joint labour-management committee 

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