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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.

Four security guards facing away from camera.

UFCW 1006A is proud to represent 8,000 workers in the security guard sector. We are leading the way in winning rights, benefits and improving working conditions for our members in this sector.

We are proud to be Ontario’s best union for security guards seeking fairness, respect and protection at work,” said President Wayne Hanley. “With union representation, our members enjoy increased protection, on-the-job training and health and safety benefits.

Learn more about UFCW 1006A representation in this growing sector with our Q & A with Jeff Ketelaars, Executive Assistant to the President, and Director of 1006A’s Security Guard sector.

Listen to the Interview from our Telephone Town Hall Membership Meeting (YouTube)

Q: What type of work do UFCW 1006A members working as security guards do, and where do they work?

Our members work everywhere, from Pearson International Airport to the Parliament buildings in Ottawa to the Court House in Thunder Bay.

We secure hospitals, banks, and embassies throughout Ontario.

Private security is one of the fastest-growing sectors in Ontario.

As public spaces become more open and as private buildings are more integrated with public infrastructure such as subway access, transit stops, and underground spaces like the Toronto Path, private security is playing a pivotal role.

Our members work in uniform. Some carry batons and handcuffs and have specialized training in mental health, first aid, non-violent crisis intervention, and violence de-escalation training.

We have members who serve in plain clothes jobs as well, in executive protection positions, embassy security, and even in jobs related to CSIS and US Homeland Security.

Q: What are the unique challenges that security guards face in their sector?

The most unique challenge security guards face currently is the wave of violence and crime, which has become more prevalent with the economic downturn. Robberies are on the rise, and aggression and panic are becoming more common against security. They have an unusual position in our society.

Everyone knows the police can arrest and detain you, but security guards are often believed not to have similar authority, so when making an arrest, for example, oftentimes bystanders misunderstand the role the guard must play.

Q: How vital is union representation in the security guard sector?

Union representation is more important than ever. UFCW 1006A negotiates health and welfare benefits, training and WSIB support as guards face more risk to life and limb in their jobs.

UFCW 1006A also act as their voice in the political arena, able to force the government to listen to our grievances and pivot to change the legislation that protects guards. In addition, our current Conservative government has seen fit to reduce policing their own rules, letting countless new mom-and-pop companies be licensed with little to no oversight. The latter are lowering the standards in training and compensation and resisting coordinated efforts to improve our member’s health and safety.

Q: What else would you like people to know about this sector?

If you know a security guard or work in a shop with security, take a moment to chat with them. Ask if they have a union, if they do they know what their union provides, if they do not, tell them what you appreciate about your union, and please give them our number. Security Guards need a union, and UFCW 1006A is the best union for them to join.

Security guards looking to join our union can connect with us here. All communication is 100% confidential.

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