After a week-long negotiations session, your union committee is pleased to report that we have made progress on a number of items during meetings with company officials. However, there is more work to be done.
Your union committee and the company have scheduled from June 15 to 17 for further negotiations in an effort to address the outstanding items.
Your union negotiations committee remains committed to presenting members with a fair union contract that addresses the issues raised by the membership during the proposal process.
We'll have more to report after our next round of negotiations.
If you have questions about how the negotiations process works, I encourage you to check out our website FAQ. As always, your union representatives are also available to answer any questions you may have.
In Solidarity,
Wayne Hanley (he/him)
President, UFCW Canada Local 1006A
Read my previous updates here:
April 1, 2022: Negotiations with No Frills Begin
February 25, 2022: Union Committee Meets, Preparations Continue
We want to connect with all members: If you know members that did not receive this update via email, please encourage them to update their contact details here.