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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.

Spring Stewards' Training is underway at the local union, with activists from across the province attending.

To help our stewards with their work, our union operates one of the most comprehensive labour training and education programs in the province. Our courses are offered free-of-charge and provide stewards with knowledge and skills they can use not only in the workplace but in their everyday lives.

"I love stewards training," said Annie Sundar, a steward who particiapted in one of the courses. "It is informative, and provides you with skills and knowledge you can take back to help your co-workers. Knowledge is power and I am glad our union offers courses which will help stewards and the membership as a whole." 

So far this spring, stewards have taken a wide variety of courses from Investigations to Handling Tough Issues to Understanding Human Rights to Public Speaking and Presentations. 

Alfredo Difebo, who participated in the Workplace Rage course, said he found the material very informative.

"It opened my eyes on how to react to certain situations."

Overall, Alfredo said Stewards Training courses are very useful.

"I highly recommend these courses to all stewards because they give you an overview of what we stand for, what we work for, and how we can deal with different situations."

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