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UFCW Canada Local 1006A members at Summit Food Service (a division of Colabor) in Mississauga ratified a union contract on March 26, 2017. 

The five-year deal covers 145 members at the Summit plant and runs from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2021.

“Our negotiating committee did a tremendous job in securing a fair contract for our members,” said President Wayne Hanley. “Thanks to their hard work and the incredible solidarity and support of our members, we were able to secure many improvements.”

The union negotiating committee was led by Frank Ragni, Executive Assistant to the President, with support from union representative Rob Murphy and members, Ramesh Ramsunder, Neil Larose, Joshua Robichaud, and Richard Gilbert. 

Contract highlights include:

  • Lump sums ($1500 total in year 1 and 2 of the contract)
  • Wage increases of 2% per year in year 3, 4, and 5.
  • Increased security for members in language for bid runs
  • Increase in maximum for medical examination from $75 to $100
  • Improvements to Holiday Pay 
  • Increased number of employees who can be on vacation at the same time. 
  • Introduction of gender neutral language
  • Company will now supply high visibility uniforms for safety free. 
  • Establishment of quarterly meetings between company and union to discuss labour/management matters.

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