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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.

nofrills_bargaining_committeeMembers of the Local 1000A No Frills Bargaining Committee met on May 25, 2011 to discuss and vote on proposals to take into negotiations, which will kick off June 21, 2011.

The committee is made of Local 1000A members from No Frill and Valu-Mart stores across Ontario, along with Local 1000A staff members. Executive Vice-President Kevin Benn will be chairing the union’s negotiations team.

pad_n_penUFCW Local 1000A is seeking proposals for bargaining from all No Frills members across Ontario. The No Frills contract expires on June 30, 2010, with negotiations expected to begin this April. We encourage all members that want to suggest improvements to their working conditions to complete a proposal sheet and submit it to your staff representative. Alternately, you can fax your proposals to 905.850.0839 or mail them to the union office. All proposals must be received by March 1 to be guaranteed consideration. Be sure to take your future in your hands! Participate in the bargaining process by attending upcoming meetings to voice your concerns!

Members at Maple Grove Ratify New Contract

maplegrove_bargaining_committeeIncreased wages, job guarantees and improved vacation entitlements were among the key gains achieved by workers at National Grocers Maple Grove Distribution Centre in their newly ratified collective agreement. Owned by Loblaw Companies, the warehouse is the largest in the National Grocers chain.