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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.

Loblaw Finally Listening - Scheduling Pilot

Loblaw is finally listening to what your union has been telling them for years – Loblaws Great Food and Superstore scheduling and availability requirements for members working part-time are unfair and need improvement. 

Unionized Chapters-Indigo workers win improvements at all locations.

Anyone questioning the power of collective action to make positive change needs only to look at what workers at Indigo have been able to achieve in a few short weeks.

UFCW members across North America are speaking out on LGBTQ+ rights, through a recently released report from UCLA Labour Center.

Local 1006A celebrates Women's History Month

It’s a time for us to celebrate and recognize the contributions women have made to building our union, the labour movement, and our country. It’s also a time to reflect on the unprecedented challenges women face due to the pandemic. 

Indigo workers rally in front of their store in advance of voting to join Local 1006A.

UFCW Canada Local 1006A is proud to congratulate Indigo workers at Square One in Mississauga on their campaign to win union representation. 

Nancy Prout’s strength as a steward comes from her unrelenting dedication to her co-workers and community.