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UFCW Canada Local 1006A Awards 42 Scholarships

UFCW 1006A awards 42 scholarships to members and dependents. 

Local 1006A's 2021 Union Scholarship Winners

"This union works to better the lives of its members across Ontario, I hope to do the same when I graduate as a nurse." – Emily Hewgill, 2021 Scholarship Recipient.

Local 1006A's 2020 Scholarship Winners!

When Katherine Mazzocco found out she won the 1006A union scholarship, she quickly ran to her mom and had a mini celebration.

UFCW Canada Offers BDM scholarships worth $1000 each every year.

1006A member Hailey Bouchard was thrilled when she found out she won UFCW Canada’s Beggs-Dowling-Mathieu Scholarship Award.