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scholarship-picApplications for the 2013-2014 school year are now being accepted. For nearly ten years, Local 1000A has helped families cope with the high cost of tuition through its Scholarship Program. 

Nearly 400 scholarships have been awarded since the program began in 2003. To find out more about applying, please download the scholarship application.


BDM-scholarship-landryLocal 1000A is proud to congratulate Rebecca Landry for winning UFCW Canada’s Beggs-Dowling-Mathieu Scholarship.

“I think it’s incredible UFCW Canada offers these scholarships,” said Landry, who works part-time at an Oshawa Real Canadian Superstore. The Local 1000A member is in her first year of Durham College’s Biomedical Engineering Technology program. “I was really surprised to win because there are a lot of employees who could apply for this.”

scholarship2013UFCW Canada Local 1000A is proud to congratulate the recipients of our 2012-2013 scholarships. Forty-two scholarships, worth $500 each, were awarded this year to members or children of members enrolled in post-secondary education based on a 500-word essay contest.

“I was ecstatic when notified that I was the recipient of this scholarship,” said Daniele Ruberto, who worked as a grocery clerk at the No Frills store in Woodbridge. “I am extremely grateful for this scholarship and thank UFCW Local 1000A for their generosity and support. Thank you for caring about student success.”

rising_tuitionPost-secondary education is becoming less and less affordable, according to a new study from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Since 1990, the centre reports the tuition fees across Canada have been increasing faster than incomes. Fees have grown from an average of $1,744 in 1990-1991 to $6,186 in 2011-2012.