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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.

A strike deadline has been set for Sunday, July 5 at 12.01 a.m., which means we will begin strike action against your employer on this date. Picket lines will be set up at all Local 1000A Loblaws Great Food and Superstore stores across Ontario.

Through the strong strike mandate you provided your negotiating committee in mid-May – you sent a clear message to the company that you demanded a fair contract and were prepared to fight for it. The same message was sent when 61% of those who voted rejected the tentative agreement at ratifications meetings held from June 14 to 20. Through your vote, you have told us the tentative agreement was not good enough and – you’re extremely frustrated at being undervalued and that the company isn’t listening.

UFCW Canada Local 1000A members working at Loblaws Great Food and Superstore voted 61% to reject the tentative memorandum of agreement for your contract.

Your union is ramping up strike preparations and will be training strike picket captains from across the province this week.

We will be setting a strike deadline date soon.

Members will be notified of the exact date and time when strike action will start.

"Our members have spoken and we stand shoulder to shoulder with them as we prepare for strike action," said Pearl Sawyer, President of UFCW Canada Local 1000A.

Please continue to closely monitor your union website for when strike action will begin and further updates.

Supported by your strong strike mandate, negotiations with Loblaws Supermarkets Ltd. resumed on May 26.

Your negotiating committee requested a “no board” report from the conciliation officer, which puts the membership in a legal strike position on July 2 if it is required.

Due to the progress being made at the table, negotiations were extended through the weekend. This resulted in a memorandum of agreement being reached with the company in the early hours of the morning on Monday, June 1.

On May 5, your union bargaining committee met with your employer for the 4th round of bargaining. At this meeting the Union received the employer’s response to our last position of April 23, 2015.

It was clear that the roadblocks to achieving a fair deal still remain. As a result, your union bargaining committee broke off negotiations.