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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.

Two days of intensive negotiations between your union and Loblaw Companies Ltd resulted today in amendments to the memorandum of agreement dated June 2, 2015.

Both parties had returned to the negotiating table at the request of an Ontario Ministry of Labour Mediation Officer on July 2.

Your union believes it’s important for our members to have the opportunity to examine and vote on the amended offer and as such, has postponed the strike deadline of Sunday, July 5 at 12:01 a.m.

Should this amended offer be rejected, the strike will commence on Saturday, July 11 at 12:01 a.m. at all 60 Local 1000A Loblaws Great Food and Superstore locations across the province.

Ratification votes and related polls are being scheduled across the province from Sunday, July 5 to Wednesday, July 8.

loblaws-superstore-greatfood-bargainingOntario Ministry of Labour Mediator Specialist John Miller, who has been assisting the parties throughout negotiations, has requested that your union negotiating committee and the company return to the bargaining table on Thursday, July 2, 2015.

Please note that this does not change our strike deadline, which is set for Sunday, July 5 at 12:01am.  Extensive strike preparations continue across the province.  Once again, we ask all of our members to plan to picket next week based on their schedule this week.


As members working at Loblaws Great Food & Superstore get ready to take to the picket lines on July 5, 2015 at 12:01 a.m., your union has prepared a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to help guide you through this process.

If your question is not answered here, please talk to your picket captain or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

A strike deadline has been set for Sunday, July 5 at 12.01 a.m., which means we will begin strike action against your employer on this date. Picket lines will be set up at all Local 1000A Loblaws Great Food and Superstore stores across Ontario.

Through the strong strike mandate you provided your negotiating committee in mid-May – you sent a clear message to the company that you demanded a fair contract and were prepared to fight for it. The same message was sent when 61% of those who voted rejected the tentative agreement at ratifications meetings held from June 14 to 20. Through your vote, you have told us the tentative agreement was not good enough and – you’re extremely frustrated at being undervalued and that the company isn’t listening.