Welcome to Your Union, UFCW Canada Local 1006A.
As a member of the 1006A family, you are part of one of the most progressive, diverse and dynamic local unions in Ontario. Workers at your place of employment are represented by Local 1006A.
Our union is a strong and compassionate voice for fairness, equality and justice in the workplace and in our communities. Together, we work to advance and protect the rights and livelihoods of our members and make life better for all workers across Ontario.

Union membership means you are now protected by a union contract. Many of the rights and benefits you have at work is because of the determination and unity of union members like yourself coming together for fairness in the workplace.
Union negotiators, together with workers from your bargaining unit, negotiated many of the gains you enjoy in your workplace today.
There are many resources available to Local 1006A members:
Outstanding Union Representation
If you have any questions or concerns about anything at work, contact your union representative. We are here to help. Union members also benefit from a team of highly skilled staff, which includes legal counsel, WSIB, Health & Safety representatives, working to protect your rights and interests. Connect with your Union Rep.
Amazing Scholarship Opportunities
As a 1006A member, you and/or your dependents are eligible to apply for our scholarship program. We award 42 scholarships worth $500 each year to those enrolled in post-secondary education programs. Apply today!
Free Access to Member Discount Program
As a UFCW 1006A member, you and your family are entitled to exclusive discounts on products and services through the Union Savings program. Register to obtain valuable discounted prices on various products and services. Learn more.
Dynamic Committees
We are always looking for members who are interested in getting involved and making a difference! Learn more about our Youth Network, Leukemia Fundraising, Women’s Issues Network and Pride Network. Get Involved.
Free Online Learning
WebCampus is a FREE online education and training resource which offers 150+ courses for members and their families. Members will be able to take college-accredited courses and receive recognition through Conestoga College, Athabasca University and Brock University. Learn Something New Today.
At UFCW Canada Local 1006A, our strength comes from each other. As a member of our great union, you also have a voice in your workplace. Your participation and input matters so make sure to attend union membership meetings and contract votes. Strong membership participation is the key to strong contracts so make your voice heard.
Once again, if you have questions about work, I encourage you to reach out to your union representative. We are here to help.
In Solidarity,
Wayne Hanley
President, UFCW Canada Local 1006A
Watch President Wayne Hanley's Video Message