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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.
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  • New Contract for UFCW 1006A members at Comfort Inn in Sarnia

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UFCW Canada Local 1006 holds general membership meetings four times a year.

Join us for the latest news and a chance to win a prize!

Welcome message for new UFCW Canada Local 1006A members.

Welcome to Your Union, UFCW Canada Local 1006A.

As a member of the 1006A family, you are part of one of the most progressive, diverse and dynamic local unions in Ontario. Workers at your place of employment are represented by Local 1006A.

Our union is a strong and compassionate voice for fairness, equality and justice in the workplace and in our communities. Together, we work to advance and protect the rights and livelihoods of our members and make life better for all workers across Ontario.

President Wayne Hanley's welcome message to new Local 1006A members.


Union membership means you are now protected by a union contract. Many of the rights and benefits you have at work is because of the determination and unity of union members like yourself coming together for fairness in the workplace.

Union negotiators, together with workers from your bargaining unit, negotiated many of the gains you enjoy in your workplace today.

There are many resources available to Local 1006A members:

Outstanding Union Representation

If you have any questions or concerns about anything at work, contact your union representative. We are here to help.  Union members also benefit from a team of highly skilled staff, which includes legal counsel, WSIB, Health & Safety representatives, working to protect your rights and interests. Connect with your Union Rep.

Amazing Scholarship Opportunities

As a 1006A member, you and/or your dependents are eligible to apply for our scholarship program. We award 42 scholarships worth $500 each year to those enrolled in post-secondary education programs. Apply today!

Free Access to Member Discount Program

As a UFCW 1006A member, you and your family are entitled to exclusive discounts on products and services through the Union Savings program. Register to obtain valuable discounted prices on various products and services. Learn more.

Dynamic Committees

We are always looking for members who are interested in getting involved and making a difference! Learn more about our Youth Network, Leukemia Fundraising, Women’s Issues Network and Pride Network. Get Involved.

Free Online Learning

WebCampus is a FREE online education and training resource which offers 150+ courses for members and their families. Members will be able to take college-accredited courses and receive recognition through Conestoga College, Athabasca University  and Brock University. Learn Something New Today.

At UFCW Canada Local 1006A, our strength comes from each other. As a member of our great union, you also have a voice in your workplace. Your participation and input matters so make sure to attend union membership meetings and contract votes. Strong membership participation is the key to strong contracts so make your voice heard.

Once again, if you have questions about work, I encourage you to reach out to your union representative. We are here to help.

In Solidarity,

Wayne Hanley
President, UFCW Canada Local 1006A

Watch President Wayne Hanley's Video Message

For three decades, UFCW Canada members have been leading the fight against leukemia, myeloma, Hodgkin’s disease and other forms of blood cancers. Since adopting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada as its charity of choice in 1985, UFCW Canada raised more than $38 million for leukemia research.

The members and staff of UFCW Canada Local 1006A are integral to these efforts. Every year, the local union participates in and organizes a variety of activities to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada.

Thanks to the efforts of UFCW Canada members and staff, kids and adults with leukemia are living longer, and others have emerged with a complete remission from a disease which 30 years ago would have been fatal.

At Local 1006A, we are always looking for members to participate in our many fundraising events. Check out your union board or our online calendar for Leukemia Fundraising events in your area. If you have a fundraising idea or you want to volunteer, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


President President Hanley speaks with members at Canada's Wonderland.

Your Community Action Network hosts and participates in several activities throughout the year and we would love for you to join us.

Check your union bulletin board for upcoming CAN events in your community. If you are interested in participating or volunteering at a CAN event, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Our Strength Comes from Our Union Members

UFCW Canada Local 1006A is one of Ontario’s largest private sector local unions.

We are the union for workers in diverse sectors from Grocery Retail, Food Processing, Restaurant, Hotels, Security Guards, Retail Commerce, Laundry, Warehousing/Distribution, Transit, and Cannabis.

Our members work for a variety of employers such as Loblaws, Superstore (RCSS), No Frills, Swiss Chalet, Hilton, Holiday Inn, Marriott, Paragon Security, Canadian Linen, LensCrafters, Aramark, HMS Host and many more. For a complete list of click here.

You will find our union members working in communities across Ontario from the Greater Toronto Area, Ottawa to Windsor, Thunder Bay to London, Kingston to St. Catharines to Kitchener and the many towns and cities in between.

Learn More About Local 1006A

Our Members Know the Union Advantage

  • Mark Zanin pictured with his Union Representative Kevin Bacon

    ""I was working 40 hours and even though I was hired full-time, I was getting paid at a part-time rate. My Union Rep raised the issue with my new owner and helped make sure I got paid correctly for the hours I had worked."  –  Mark Zanin, No Frills.

    Read More
  • Angel Vernon pictured with her Union Representative Joe Blythe

    "I have never been part of a union before and never really understood the big deal until I became a member of UFCW Canada Local 1006A. I feel very secure knowing that I have rights and that I have someone to back me up and help me argue my point when I need it."  –  Angel Vernon, Tok Transit Viva.

    Read More
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