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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.
  • March 8 is International Women's Day

    March 8 is International Women's Day

  • New Contract for Members at Days Inn in Woodstock

    New Contract for Members at Days Inn in Woodstock

  • New Contract for Members at SSP Canada (Toronto Pearson International Airport)

    New Contract for Members at SSP Canada (Toronto Pearson International Airport)

  • In the face of a trade war, now is the time to buy Canadian (UFCW Canada)

    In the face of a trade war, now is the time to buy Canadian (UFCW Canada)

  • New Contract for UFCW 1006A members at Comfort Inn in Sarnia

    New Contract for UFCW 1006A members at Comfort Inn in Sarnia

  • Customer Abuse: The Hidden Struggles of Frontline Workers

    Customer Abuse: The Hidden Struggles of Frontline Workers

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Here's our top five apps that assist with workplace health and safety.

These apps are a resource, not a replacement for certified training. If you have any questions about workplace safety, please contact a member of your Health and Safety Committee, or your Union Representative.

Top Five Health and Safety Apps for Apple & Android

Red Cross First Aid App

The Red Cross First Aid App helps an untrained responder respond to medical emergencies and will assist trained and certified responders maintain their first-aid skills. The app is remarkably easy to navigate and will walk you through a large number of situations from asthma attacks to unconsciousness using text, video’s and images. Each screen contains a 911 quick dial if the injured persons situation worsens.


The Ergonomic Checkpoints App

For members and those on your workplace's Joint Health and Safety Committee, the Ergonomics Checkpoints app for Android assists workers in the creation of interactive checklists of ergonomic checkpoints to use in your workplaces. The app contains a total 132 checkpoints that include explanations and best practice recommendations for taking action and implementing effective improvements to the ergonomics of your workplaces. 


NIOSH Lifting Equation App: NLE Calc App

Musculoskeletal disorders, including injuries to the back, are the number one cause of work-related injuries in Ontario. With that in mind, it is important that workers in all industries that require manual lifting understand how to do so safely. The NLE calculator allows users to enter pertinent data about the lifting task ie: weight, number of lifts, frequency etc and offers recommendations on how to optimize the task and perform it in such a way as to prevent injury.


PainPoint App

Developed by Occupational Health Clinic for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) this app will assist you in recognizing the signs of MSDs and take action for prevention. It should be noted that it is always best to have a professional ergonomic assessment to address work-related pain or discomfort. The app will walk the user through a series of diagrams and questions to pinpoint musculoskeletal pain, identify possible sources, and discover practical solutions. The results are shown on a body map, accompanied by useful recommendations to help address MSD hazards that could be a contributing factor. No personal data entered is collected.


Measure Workplace Stress App

Co-created by Occupational Health Clinic for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) and the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) the Measure Workplace Stress app asks its user to respond to twenty five questions taken from the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire. Questions range from concerns about symptoms of stress, offensive behaviours, pace of work, emotional work demands, decision authority, communication, health & safety concerns, role clarity amongst others. Upon completion of the questions the app will organize your results and score them into a colour coded legend prioritizing you responses. For issues where your score is worse than the reference population, there is an icon that takes you to a pop-up that outlines ideas for addressing issues of concern. Your responses are not collected.



Our Strength Comes from Our Union Members

UFCW Canada Local 1006A is one of Ontario’s largest private sector local unions.

We are the union for workers in diverse sectors from Grocery Retail, Food Processing, Restaurant, Hotels, Security Guards, Retail Commerce, Laundry, Warehousing/Distribution, Transit, and Cannabis.

Our members work for a variety of employers such as Loblaws, Superstore (RCSS), No Frills, Swiss Chalet, Hilton, Holiday Inn, Marriott, Paragon Security, Canadian Linen, LensCrafters, Aramark, HMS Host and many more. For a complete list of click here.

You will find our union members working in communities across Ontario from the Greater Toronto Area, Ottawa to Windsor, Thunder Bay to London, Kingston to St. Catharines to Kitchener and the many towns and cities in between.

Learn More About Local 1006A

Our Members Know the Union Advantage

  • Mark Zanin pictured with his Union Representative Kevin Bacon

    ""I was working 40 hours and even though I was hired full-time, I was getting paid at a part-time rate. My Union Rep raised the issue with my new owner and helped make sure I got paid correctly for the hours I had worked."  –  Mark Zanin, No Frills.

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  • Angel Vernon pictured with her Union Representative Joe Blythe

    "I have never been part of a union before and never really understood the big deal until I became a member of UFCW Canada Local 1006A. I feel very secure knowing that I have rights and that I have someone to back me up and help me argue my point when I need it."  –  Angel Vernon, Tok Transit Viva.

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Woodbridge, ON L4L 9N4
Tel (905) 850-0096
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Toll Free 1-800-637-5936
Toll Free 1-800-637-5936