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Of Note: This news item is archived content from UFCW Canada Local 1000A.
Local 1000A and UFCW Canada Local 206 merged on May 1, 2016 to form UFCW Canada Local 1006A.

Bowling-for-a-Cure-webUFCW Canada Local 1000A once again bowled for a cure this year, helping raise approximately $2,500 in the fight against Sickle Cell and Anemia.


Hereditary in nature, Sickle Cell is a blood disorder which leads to red blood cells getting stuck in the blood vessels. As a result, much-needed blood and oxygen gets blocked from vital organs (including the lungs, heart, kidney, liver and much more).  The Sickle Cell Disease Association of Canada estimates that up to 1 in every 2,500 babies will be born with the disease in this country. The association further reports that 3,500 to 4,500 people in Canada have been diagnosed with the disease.


Local 1000A’s event brought together members from a variety of industries and workplaces.

“Thanks to all those who participated for yet another successful year,” said Local 1000A's Jonathan Lobo, who coordinated the event. “With your support, we are on track to finding a cure for Sickle Cell and Anemia.”

All funds raised by Local 1000A goes to Faces of Our Children, an organization that raises awareness, support and funding for this important fight.

For more information on this disease, please visit