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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.

Of Note: This news item is archived content from UFCW Canada Local 1000A.
Local 1000A and UFCW Canada Local 206 merged on May 1, 2016 to form UFCW Canada Local 1006A.

Ellen-PruimCongratulations to Ellen Pruim from Craig and Jess' No Frills in Stratford! Ellen takes home the June prize of $70 in PC gift cards for her winning entry in Local 1000A's Share Your Story contest!

Ellen's Entry: "I have worked a place where there was no union to fight for our rights. Never want to go there again. It is great to have a union that will ensure treatment will be fair and our concerns heard. This being a new store we are celebrating one year this month, so I have not been a part of this union for very long. I am impressed with what I have read so far and look forward to many years to come. I know I will be able to count on assistance if needed just by reading the stories of others here."

Have you submitted your story for a chance to win? We will be giving $70 in PC gift cards every month throughout 2014 to our winning entries. To enter, please click here.