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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.

Of Note: This news item is archived content from UFCW Canada Local 1000A.
Local 1000A and UFCW Canada Local 206 merged on May 1, 2016 to form UFCW Canada Local 1006A.

firsttownhallIn a modern twist on a historical tradition, UFCW Canada Local 1000A brought the union back to the kitchen table by hosting its first-ever telephone town hall on March 5, 2013. The one-hour event was geared towards local union stewards and divisional officers from Loblaws Great Food and Loblaws Real Canadian Superstore—many of whom listened in and participated from the comfort of their homes.

“The tele-town hall was very useful and convenient,” said Glacier Samuel, a mother of three and a steward at Oakville’s Real Canadian Superstore. After a long day of work, Samuel said she was able to participate while cooking dinner for her family and then later, while eating at the kitchen table.

“Since I had it on speaker, my kids were also listening in while we were having dinner.”

Stewards had an opportunity to listen and ask questions about the company’s FLOW program and about a recent Memorandum of Interim Agreement regarding the utilization of stewards at disciplinary meetings.

“I am pleased to report the tele-town hall was a great success—it was exciting to have so many of our stewards participate,” said Local 1000A President Pearl Sawyer. “The format allowed our stewards to be on the call from home or elsewhere for those who have provided a mobile number.” Sawyer led the town hall with support from Sector Director Paul Docherty, who deals with the Union’s day-to-day issues regarding the rollout of the Company’s Flow program.

Sawyer said past generations of workers often grew up listening to discussions about union’s issues at the kitchen table.

“The kitchen table was the place where children would learn about unions, workers’ rights and the need for fairness and justice in our society,” Sawyer said. Today, she noted those conversations are happening less and less due to targeted attacks against workers from big business and their allies in government.

“It was really amazing to see how the tele-town halls had the added bonus of bringing the union back to the kitchen table,” she said.

Caroline Brisebois, a steward from a Loblaws Great Food store in Ottawa, said she received a lot of good feedback from stewards after the town hall.

“It is a great way to get information to our stewards and members,” Brisebois said.

Sawyer said Local 1000A will continue to expand its use of tele-town halls on pertinent issues to provide the opportunity for our members to engage in this new communication format.