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Of Note: This news item is archived content from UFCW Canada Local 1000A.
Local 1000A and UFCW Canada Local 206 merged on May 1, 2016 to form UFCW Canada Local 1006A.

IMG_7753Local 1000A wants to thank its members, together with their family and friends, for making the London CAN (Community Action Network) picnic a great success. The event took place at Springbank Park on July 9 and was held to provide members with a fun-filled day to relax and be with those they love.

Participants of all ages took part in several activities, including soccer, an iron-chef cooking contest, a jumping castle, face-painting, balloon toss, potato sack races, bingo and all-you-can-eat BBQ.


Proceeds, raised via the $5 entry fee per family, will be donated to the Sickle Cell Association, an organization that works to find a cure for sickle cell disease.

The next CAN picnics will be held in Toronto on August 6 and in Ottawa on August 27.  We look forward to seeing you there!