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UFCW 1006A members at Frulact have ratified a new union contract.

The one year contract expires February 21, 2025 and covers nearly 75 members.

“For the most part, we were happy with the new contract and the wage increases were well-deserved,” said Michelle Wilson, a steward at Frulact. “We didn’t get everything we wanted but we will be back to the table very shortly.”
The negotiating committee included members, Justin Flaro, Michelle Wilson, Tren Woods, Regional Director Gord Albert and Union Representative Gloria Elstone.
“I’m proud to congratulate our members at Frulact on their new union contract – the support and participation of our membership were vital in securing significant improvements at the workplace,” said President Wayne Hanley. “I also want to commend our negotiating committee for their hard work and commitment throughout this process.”
Based in Kingston, the company process fruits for dairy-based products, including yogurts, ice cream, smoothies and baking products.

  • 6.5 per cent wage increase over the term of the agreement
  • Attendance Management Incentive:  Eligible members, who attend work regularly for their scheduled shift, will receive an extra 10% of their gross wages.
- Job security language to protect against automation
  • Quarterly joint labour/management meetings for health & safety co-chairs, union representatives and managemen

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