As a steward for more than 30 years, Ayesha Khan knows first-hand the difference the union makes.
“The UFCW makes a big difference,” said Ayesha, who works at HMS Host, which provides food services at Toronto’s Pearson airport.
Helping to improve working conditions has been a key priority for Ayesha. In addition to protecting members’ rights under the union contract, Ayesha has also participated on multiple negotiating committees.
“With a union, we are able to negotiate good medical and dental benefits, scheduling by seniority, sick days and free parking when at work,” she said.
At Pearson, Ayesha is always busy, helping members with scheduling issues, getting paid on time and investigating member disciplines.
Most recently, she helped a long-time member, who suddenly had temporary eyesight issues and wasn’t able to drive to work at night.
“When the member approached me, he was really upset,” she said. “He was crying and saying ‘this is my living, if I cannot drive, I have to quit this job.’ With the assistance of our union representative, the member was given a temporary medical accommodation – where his schedule was adjusted so he would not have to drive to and from work in the dark.
“When I was able to help him, he was happy and it really made me feel good,” she said. “Every time he comes to work, he has this look on his face as if to say ‘Thank you.’”
Ayesha said she and her co-workers are excited to be part of the UFCW 1006A family.
“People are happy to have a union to represent them.”