Empowered by each other, workers at Vaughan-based UPS Supply Chain Solutions voted this March to join UFCW Canada Local 1006A.
“Everyone is happy—the workers now have a voice,” said Saturday Okoukoni, who works at UPS and is a member of the bargaining committee.
Local 1006A now represents more than 100 workers at the UPS warehouse. They work in a variety of roles such as warehouse associates, dispatchers, and much more.
Leading up to the union drive, workers were grappling with a wide range of issues including mistreatment, job security, seniority and having no voice at work.
“There was mass frustration –people weren’t too happy,” said Dan Anani, who works at UPS and is a member of the bargaining committee.
Workers searched for a way to change their situation until they found UFCW Canada.
“A lot of people came together, and decided union representation was the answer,” said Jackie Clarke, who works at UPS.
The campaign moved quickly, revealing the determination and support of the workers.
“Many of us knew the strength behind the numbers in here,” said Dan. “With the union, there is definitely a shift in the workplace now. The key was staying strong, united and positive.”
Wayne Hanley, President of UFCW Canada Local 1006A, commended the workers on their victory.
“It takes courage and solidarity to affect change and we look forward to working with UPS workers to strengthen their workplace now and into the future,” Hanley said.
As a result of the organizing campaigns, Saturday said the workers at UPS are stronger now.
“No worker can fight the employer on their own—you have power when you come together with your co-workers,” said Saturday. “That’s why having a union is an advantage to every worker in Ontario and Canada.”
If you know someone who will benefit from union representation, encourage them to reach out to a 1006A Union Organizer.