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Ontario's Union for fairness, equality and respect at work.

As a member of UFCW Local 1006A, you have a negotiated collective agreement in place that outlines your working conditions with The Maples, as well as a full-time union representative assigned to your workplace to assist with any issues.

It outlines items such as your wages, benefits, scheduling process and a grievance process, should you have issues or concerns at work.

Your Union Representative, Greg Penner, is in the process of finalizing proposals for the upcoming bargaining of the renewal for your collective agreement, which is scheduled to begin in July.

There are also multiple grievances that have been referred to arbitration on behalf of members at your workplace, as we believe violations of the collective agreement have occurred.

We believe that the application that was filed on behalf of another union is inappropriate and has only been done to cause dissension and divide the workers at the Maples.

You will have the opportunity to vote, however, the ballot box will be sealed until the Labour Board considers the issue of the application as being “untimely”.

UFCW Local 1006A is committed to moving forward in an effort to better the working conditions for our members at The Maples, and we hope you will choose UFCW Local 1006A when you cast your ballot.

Should you have any questions or concerns please contact your Union Representative, Greg Penner at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | ‭(226) 378-2523‬